Strawberry Shortcake Truffles



Strawberry Shortcake Truffles


Servings: Makes approximately 20 truffles


  • 1 package Golden Oreos (14.3 ounces)
  • 1 8 ounce package Strawberry Cream Cheese, softened
  • White chocolate or vanilla almond bark for garnish (approximately 12 ounces)
  • Freeze – dried strawberries or pink sprinkles for garnish (optional)


1. In a food processor, pulse the Golden Oreos (including the cream center) until fine crumbs form. It’s like building sand castles with the little ones, only much tastier!
2.In a large bowl, combine the Oreo crumbs and strawberry cream cheese. Use your hands or a spoon, but I say hands are better – they’re a nice reminder of old-fashioned cooking.


3. Once the mixture is smooth and rollable, form it into small, bite-sized balls about 1 inch in diameter. Think the size of a cherry tomato, perfect for popping in your mouth!4. Let the truffles rest in the fridge for at least half an hour so that they firm up. This will make your chocolate coating silky smooth!


5. Melt the white chocolate or almond bark in a water bath or in the microwave, being careful not to burn it.You want a consistency that is soft enough to soak in, like a warm bath.
6. Using a fork, dip each cooled truffle into the melted chocolate and gently shake off the excess. Ah, like a new dress for every truffle ball.


7.If using freeze-dried strawberries, sprinkle some on each truffle for an extra touch of elegance.
8. Allow truffles to harden completely on wax paper before serving. This is the perfect time to catch up on a chapter of your book.


9.Store these beauties in an airtight container in the fridge until it’s time to show them off to your waiting fans!
Variations and Tips:


– For an additional berry note, you can add some finely chopped fresh strawberries to your truffle mixture.
– If you want to make this more kid-friendly, use sprinkles instead of the freeze-dried strawberries.
– A drizzle of milk or dark chocolate over the white layer can add a nice contrast if you’re feeling artsy.
– These truffles are best enjoyed within a few days, but can also be frozen to make them last longer; Wrap them well so they don’t catch a cold.- Above all, don’t be afraid to involve the family! Little hands are great helpers and the memories are as sweet as the gift.

Dear friends, with this recipe you can create moments and not just sweet ones; Because it is in these moments that you find the true taste of life. Enjoy!

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